Client Testimonials | Progressive Turf
Buck Point Golf Club
Brookville, Indiana
10-3-5 Results After 4 Applications
These pictures were taken at Buck Point Golf Club, a new grow-in course, in Brookville, Indiana. This course was the constructed by Mike Davis a well-known designer of grow-in courses. To set the scene, the Penn links bentgrass (pictured) was seeded in November 2001 then the rains came in record amounts during the months of March and April 2002. So all he could do was wait for the rain to stop so the Progressive Turf Turf Foundation 10-3-5 could be sprayed on the greens.
The before pictures were taken on May 3, 2002. The after pictures were taken on June 23, 2002. During the month of May, we saw no more than ½ inch of rain and temps in the 90’s. We sprayed Progressive Turf Turf Foundation 10-3-5 every 14 days at the 16-oz. rate – so you are seeing the establishment of a lush green after only 4 applications.
The owners were worried they would be able to open that year, but with the help of Progressive Turf Turf Foundation 10-3-5 the course recovered nicely and rapidly. The course opened for business on August 30, 2002.

The Golf Ranch
Cincinnati, OH
10-3-5 Results After 3 Applications
The Golf Ranch Cincinnati, OH The following pictures were taken at The Golf Ranch in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Golf Ranch is a teaching and Par 3 course. It is a relatively new course – only in it’s second year of operation. I had the opportunity to apply our product to some immature areas on the green. The before pictures were taken on July 9, 2002. The after pictures were taken on August 5 2002. During the month of July, we saw only one tenth of an inch of rain and did not have one day under 92 degrees. We used Progressive Turf Turf Foundation 10-3-5 every 10 days at the 12-oz rate – so you are seeing fast and significant recovery after only 3 applications. The bare areas (before) on the tee box pictures have been grown in with only a divot sand mix and Progressive Turf Turf Foundation 10-3-5 (after). Also, this is a great picture of the hotspost or hydrophobic area being completely wiped out. The pictures of the green are a great example of a thin new green growing laterall. The seed on both the tee box and the green is L93.
The Crossings Golf Club
Louisville, Kentucky
10-3-5 Results After 5 Applications
These pictures were taken at The Crossings Golf Club in Louisville, Kentucky. These pictures have made some heads shake in disbelief. You are looking at greens that were damaged twice in one season.
The before pictures were taken on April 3, 2002. The in-between pictures were taken on May 6, 2002. The after pictures were taken on June 4, 2002. The before pictures show the greens after a spray tank mistake that was made during the high heat summer of 2001. After considering several options, the decision was made to give Progressive Turf Turf Foundation 10-3-5 a chance. We used Progressive Turf Turf Foundation 10-3-5 every 14 days at the 16-oz. rate. – so you are seeing the dramatic regeneration of the old sod with no re-seeding and only a small number of plugs after only 5 applications.
The owners were so impressed with the results they achieved with Progressive Turf Turf Foundation 10-3-5 they hung these pictures in the clubhouse. They wanted to demonstrate how they were trying to improve the greens after such a long time of struggle and frustration.